Considering A PRP Hair Treatment: Everything You Need To Know

टिप्पणियाँ · 313 विचारों

Here's every little detail you should know about PRP hair treatment, including prp hair treatment price. Read on and determine if you're the right candidate for this procedure.

A full head of hair is often associated with youth and vitality, which makes hair loss an unwelcome experience for those experiencing it. PRP hair restoration method can help you treat hair loss and bring back your younger look. For a good reason, PRP is growing in popularity, with many people from all walks undergoing this treatment. In addition to promoting hair development, it can enhance your hair's texture and overall appearance. In this post, we'll discuss prp hair treatment price, the advantages of this therapy, how it operates, and who might be a suitable candidate for it.

What Is PRP?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) promotes tissue healing, reduces inflammation, and improves circulation using a patient's blood. It is a concentrated form of platelets containing growth factors and other proteins that can aid tissue regeneration and healing. The treatment involves drawing blood from a patient and separating the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. The plasma is then injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Here are the main steps when undergoing a PRP hair treatment:

Consult a Hair Specialist

Before undergoing PRP hair treatment, consult with a hair transplant specialist who will assess the extent of the hair loss and determine if a PRP hair transplant is suitable. The doctor will review your hair, hairline and ask you a few questions, such as those about hair loss in your family. Patients with extensive hair loss may be advised to undergo a hair transplant procedure that involves the transfer of hair follicles from the back or sides of the scalp to the affected areas.

Draw Blood and Inject

The patient's blood is drawn during the PRP hair transplant, and the plasma is extracted using a centrifuge machine. The hair transplant specialist will then make tiny injections into the scalp, with each injection containing platelet-rich plasma. This process typically takes about 60-90 minutes to complete.

After Care

Following the procedure, don't wash your hair for at least 48 hours, and avoid using hair products for a few days. You may experience mild scalp swelling and soreness a few days following the procedure, but this should subside quickly. Hair growth should start within six months after the process, with full results achieved after about a year.

But what is the average PRP hair treatment price? One PRP session costs anything from $250 to $750.

What Are the Benefits of PRP

One significant advantage of a PRP hair transplant is that it is a minimally invasive procedure that is less painful than other hair restoration options. Patients who undergo this procedure typically experience little to no downtime. They can resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure.

A PRP hair transplant is also a safe procedure with few side effects. The process does not involve the use of any harsh chemicals or drugs that can have negative impacts on your body.

Who Is PRP Not For?

While PRP is a safe procedure and almost for most people, only some are ideal candidates for PRP hair transplants. Patients with severe hair loss may require more extensive treatments like hair transplant surgery. Also, people with underlying medical conditions may need to be more suitable candidates for the procedure.

Wrap Up

PRP hair transplant is an option worth considering for people with hair loss. However, remember that the clinic where you undergo the PRP hair treatment will determine the results you'll get. That said, ensure you get your PRP treatment in a trusted and reputable hair clinic like BHHR. The treatment doctor must be qualified and licensed, just like Dr. Kahen. Call now to know our prp hair treatment price and book your session.
